Thursday 23 January 2014

Private Investigation Companies – Who are they and why would you need one?

By Private Investigators Now Pty Ltd
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Level 5 Suite 5.04 365 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
National Number         1300 4 PI NOW (1300 474 669)

Private investigation involves gathering information – through surveillance and or research – to provide evidence or proof about a group, individual or corporation. It can also be defined as a search for the truth in the interests of justice and within the specifications of the law. At Private Investigators Now we specialise in a multitude of investigation services, aiding individuals, families and companies and the largest multinational firms in the country to make well informed decisions about certain situations or concerned issues. But who are private investigators and why would you need one?

People use private investigators for a range of reasons that can be categorised as follows:
  1. Personal: This type of investigation concerns matters that are of a personal nature such as matrimonial infidelity suspicions, custodial disputes during divorce, vandalism, harassment, a title search, property search, background check, or even teenage activity and computer monitoring.
  2. Commercial: This Involves the surveillance and investigation of potentially fraudulent employees, to locate the cause of lost shipments via transportation, tenant investigation, warehouse and retail manufacturing and distribution, revenue validation, covert retail purchases and much more.
  3. Corporate: Corporate investigation includes surveillance to aid in litigation and suspected insurance fraud, over exaggerated claims, identity theft, workplace theft, copyright brand protection and much more.
  4. Specialised: For use during specific circumstances, specialised surveillance comprises of counter-surveillance, de-bugging of electronic devices and the installation of computer monitoring software.
  5. Background Checks: These checks can be used to investigate an individual, potential employee or to inform about a company that you want to do business with.
In order to operate, a surveillance or private investigation company must be fully insured as well as hold all relevant licences in place at all times. When choosing a private investigator, it’s important to check this information so you can be sure that you’re using a professional service.

Private Investigators Now has a flawless reputation and track record of results and satisfied clients and is endorsed by The Association of Investigators & Security Professionals and the World Association of Professional Investigators, proving its proficiency and legitimacy as a leading surveillance and private investigation company.

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